| Mimosa, Acacia | Acacia sp | Tree/Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Pansy, Viola | Viola sp. | Plant | Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| African Couch Grass | Digitaria abyssinica | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Alfalfa | Medicago sativia | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Aloe | Aloe vera | Succulent | Entire Plant | Feed in Moderation |
| Alyssum, Sweet Alyssum | Lobularia maritima | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Apple (fruit) | Malus domestica | Tree | Fruit | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Arugula, Rocket, Rucola | Eruca sativa | Herb | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Asperagus Fern | Asperagus setaceus; Asperagus plumosis | Fern | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Aster | Aster sp. | Plant | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Baby's Tears; Irish Moss | Soleirolia soleirolli | Plant | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Bamboo Muhly Grass | Muhlenbergia dumosa | Grass | Entire Plant | Safe to Feed |
| Banana Leaves | Musa sp. | Tree/Shrub | | Feed in Moderation |
| Barnyardgrass | Echinochloa crus; Echinochloa galli | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Basil | Ocimum basillicum | Herb | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Begonias | Begonia sp. | Succulent | | Do Not Feed |
| Bermuda | Cynodon dactylon | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Big Bluestem | Andropogon gerardii | Grass | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Bindweed, Field Bindweed | Convolvulus prostratus | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Birds Nests Fern | Asplenium nidus | Plant | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Birdsfoot Trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Bittercress | Cardamine hirsuta; Cardamine flexuosa | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Black Mustard | Brassica nigra | Weed | Entire Plant | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Blackberry, Bramble | Rubus fruticosus, Rubus sp. | Plant | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Bluedicks | Dichelostemma pulchellum | Wildflower | Flower | Safe to Feed |
| Bluegrass, annual | Poa annua | Grass | Grass | Safe to Feed |
| Boston Fern | Nephrolepsis exalta | Fern | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Bottle Brush | Callistemon | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Brome | Bromus sp. | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Buckwheat | Eriogonum fasciculatum | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Buffelgrass | Cenchrus ciliaris | Grass | Grass | Safe to Feed |
| Bugleweed | Ajuga reptans | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Bundleflower, Illinois Bundleflower | Desmanthus illinoensis | Tree/Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Canarygrass, littleseed | Phalaris minor | Grass | Grass | Safe to Feed |
| Carnation, Dianthus | Dianthus sp. | Plant | | Feed Sparingly |
| Carrot, Wild Carrot | Daucus carota | Weed | Roots | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Cassia | Senna sp. | Tree/Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Cat's Ears | Hypochoeris sp. | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Chamomile | Chamaemelum nobile | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Chewings Fescue | Festuca rubra commutata | Grass | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Chickweed | Cerastium arvense | Weed | | Feed Sparingly |
| Chicory | Cichorium sp. | Weed | Leaves, Roots | Feed in Moderation |
| Chinese Lantern | Physalis sp. | Plant, Flower | | Do Not Feed |
| Chrysanthemum | Chrysanthemum sp. | Plant | Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Chufa; Yellow Nut Grass | Cyperus esculentus | Grass | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Cinnamon Fern | Osumunda cinnamomea | Fern | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Climbing Nasturtium; Garden Nasturtium; Indian Cress | Tropaeolum majus | Vine | | Feed Sparingly |
| Clover | Trifolium repens; Trifolium pratense | Weed | | Feed in Moderation |
| Coleus | Coleus sp. | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Collard Greens | Brassica oleracea | Shrub | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Common Greenbrier; Catbrier | Silax roundfolia sp. | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Common Sorrel | Oxalis sp. | Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Coneflower, purple | Echinacea sp.; Rudbeckia | Herb | | Safe to Feed |
| Coreopsis, Tickseed | Coreopsis giganta, tinctoria, atkinsoniana, calliopsidea | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Corn Plant | Dracaena fragrans | Plant | | Feed Sparingly |
| Cornflower; Bachelor's Buttons | Centaurea cyanus | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Crabgrass | Digitaria sanguinalis | Grass | | Feed in Moderation |
| Creeping Bell, Creeping Bellflower | Campanula rapunculoides | Weed | Flower | Feed in Moderation |
| Creeping Charlie, Ground Ivy | Glechoma hederacea | Vine | | Do Not Feed |
| Creeping Jenny, Moneywort | Lysimachia nummlaria | Vine | | Feed in Moderation |
| Crimson Clover | Trifolium incarnatum | Plant | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Cucumber | Cucumis sativus | Shrub | Fruit | Feed in Moderation |
| Curly Mesquire Grass | Hilaria belangeri | Grass | Entire Plant | Feed in Moderation |
| Dahlia | Dahlia pinnata; Dahlia rosea | Plant | Flower | Feed in Moderation |
| Daisy, English | Bellis perennis | Plant, Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Dandelion | Taraxacum offinicialis | Plant | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Dayflower | Commelina benghalensis | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Deadnettle, Red; Purple | Lamium purpurem | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Deer Grass | Muhlenbergia rigens | Grass | Entire Plant | Safe to Feed |
| Desert Dandelion | Malacothrix glabrata | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Desert Four O'Clock | Mirabelis spectabalis | Wildflower | Entire Plant | Safe to Feed |
| Desert Rose | Adenium obesum | Succulent | | Do Not Feed |
| Dichondra, Wonderlawn | Dichondra repens | Plant, Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Dock | Rumex sp. | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Echinacea, Coneflower | Echinacea sp. | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Elephant's food | Portulaca afra | Succulent | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Endive | Cichorium endivia var crispum | shrub | leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Escarole, Frisée | Cichorium endivia | Shrub | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Evening Primrose | Oenothera biensis | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Fennel | Foeniculum sp. | Herb | Bulb | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Fescue (Blue, Tall, Red, Meadow) | Festuca sp. | Grass | Grass | Safe to Feed |
| Field Mustard, Wild Mustard | Brassica rapa | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Fig | Ficus carica | Tree/Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Filaree, Storksbill | Erodium cicutarium | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Flowering Maple, Abutilon | Abutilon sp. | Succulent | Flower | Safe to Feed |
| Fodder Oats, Oat, Oat Grass | Avena sativa | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Fonio, Pangolagrass | Digitaria sp. | Grass | Entire Plant | Feed in Moderation |
| Forsythia | Forsythia sp. | Tree/Shrub | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| French Parsley, Chervil | Anthriscus sp. | Herb | | Do Not Feed |
| Fuchsia | Fuchsia sp. | Plant | Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Gazania | Gazania sp. | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Geranium | Pelargonium sp. | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| German Chamomile | Matricaria chamomilla | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Globe Mallows | Sphaeralcea sp. | Weed | Entire Plant | Feed in Moderation |
| Goat Head, Bindii | Tribulus terrestris | Weed | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Bamboo, Golden Bamboo, Fishpole Bamboo | Phyllostachys sp. | Tree/Shrub | | Feed in Moderation |
| Goosegrass | Eleusine indica | Grass | Entire plant | Feed Sparingly |
| Grape | Vitis vinifera | Fruit | Fruit | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Grape Vine | Family Vitaceae, Berberidacaea | Plant, Vine | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Grass, St. Augustine; Charleston | Stenotaphrum secundatum | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Guava, Common Guava | Psidium guajava | Tree/Shrub | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Hawk's Beards | Crepis biennis, capilallaris | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Hawkbits | Leontodon sp. | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Haworthia | Haworthia spp. | Succlent | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Heath | Ericaceae | Tree/Shrub | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Hen and Chicks | Echeveria sp. | Succulent | Entire Plant | Safe to Feed |
| Henbit | Lamium amplexicaule | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Hibiscus | Hibiscus rosa, sinensis, syriacus | Tree/Shrub | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Hollyhock | Alcea rosea | Plant | Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Honesty | Lunaria annua | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Honeysuckle | Lonicera interrupta, aponica, periclymenum, caprifolium | Weed, Vine | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Honeysuckle, Desert | Anisacanthus thurberi | Shrub | Entire Plant | Feed Sparingly |
| Hosta | Hosta sp. | Plant | Leaves, Flowers, Seeds | Feed Sparingly |
| Ice Plant, Livingstone Daisy | Mesembryanthemaceae Family | Succulent | | Safe to Feed |
| Iceberg Lettuce | Lactuca sativa | Weed | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Impatiens | Impatiens walleriana | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Indian Ricegrass | Oryzopsis hymenoides | Grass | | Feed in Moderation |
| Intermediate Wheatgrass | Elytrigia intermedia | grass | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Jasmine | Jasminum officinale | Plant | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Kale | Brassica oleracea | Plant | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Kikuyugrass | Pennisetum clandestinum | Grass | | Do Not Feed |
| Knotweed, Japanese Knotweed | Polygonum sp. | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Kudzu | Puerar lobata | Weed, Vine | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Lavender | Lavandula angustifolia, labiatae | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Lilac | Syringa vulgaris | Plant | | Safe to Feed |
| Daylily | Hemerocallis sp. | Plant | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Lily, Easter | Lilium sp. | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Link & Otto | Tradescantia crassula | Succulent | | Feed in Moderation |
| Live Forever | Sedum purpureum | Succulent | | Feed Sparingly |
| Loquat Bush | Eriobotrya japonica | Tree/Shrub | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Mallow | Malva sylvestris, rotundifolia, neglecta, moschata | Plant, Weed | Leaves, Roots, Seeds | Safe to Feed |
| Maple | Acer saccharum | Tree/Shrub | | Safe to Feed |
| Marigold | Tagetes sp. | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Milk Thistle | Silybum marianum | Weed | | Feed in Moderation |
| Mojave Aster | Machaeranthera tortifolia | Wildflower | | Feed in Moderation |
| Monkey Plant, Mexican Petunia, Wild Petunia | Ruellia sp. | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Moon Flower, Morning Glory | Ipomoea sp. | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Mother of Pearl | Graptopetalum paraguayan | Plant | | Safe to Feed |
| Mother of Thousands, Mexican Hat, Devils Backbone, Alligator Plant | Kalanchoe sp. | Succulent | | Do Not Feed |
| Mulberry Tree, Paper Mulberry | Morus alba, nigra | Tree/Shrub | Leaves, Fruit | Safe to Feed |
| Mushrooms | | | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Mustard, Cress | Brassica sp. | Plant | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Needlegrass, Desert Needlegrass | Stipa speciosa | Grass | | Do Not Feed |
| Nettle, Stinging | Urtica dioica | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Nipplewort | Lapsana communis | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Orchard Grass, Cat Grass, Oat Grass, Wheat Grass, Rye Grass | Dactylis glomerata | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Ostrich Fern | Matteuccia struthiopteris | Fern | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Owl's Clover; Pink Brush | Orthocarpus purpurascens | Weed | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Pampasgrass | Cortaderia selloana | Grass | | Feed Sparingly |
| Pearl Millet, Fountaingrass, White Millet | Pennisetum glaucum | Grass | Seeds | Safe to Feed |
| Pennywort, Navelwort, Kidneywort | Cotyledon umbilicus, veneris | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Pepper, Bell | Capsicum annuumm | | | Do Not Feed |
| Peppergrass | Lepidium sp. | Grass | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Persimmon | Diospyros texanum, virginiana | Weed | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Petunia | Petunia sp. | Plant | | Feed Sparingly |
| Phlox | Phlox sp. | Plant | | Feed in Moderation |
| Pig's Ears | Cotyledon orbiculata | Succulent | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Pigweed/Amaranth | Amaranthus sp. | Weed | Seed | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Pineapple Guava | Feijoa sellowiana | Plant | Fruit | Feed in Moderation |
| Pink Perslane | Montia sibirica | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Plantain, Ribwort Plantain | Plantago lanceotata | Weed | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Poppy, California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Poppy, Welsh | Meconopsis cambrica | Plant | Seeds | Feed in Moderation |
| Sweet Potato | Ipomoea batatas | | | Do Not Feed |
| Pothos, Devil's Ivy | Epipremnum aureum | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Poverty Weed | Monolepis nuttallia; Iva axillaris | Weed | Entire Plant | Feed Sparingly |
| Prickly Pear, Cactus Pad | Opuntia ficus-indica | Succulent | Entire Plant | Feed in Moderation |
| Primrose | Primula vulgaris | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Pumpkin | Cucurbita maxima | Shrub | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Purslane | Portulaca oleracea | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Quick Weed | Galinsoga sp. | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Radicchio | Cichorium intybus | shrub | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Radish | Raphanus sativus | | Root | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Raspberry | Rubus sp. | Plant | Fruit | Feed Sparingly |
| Red Maids | Calandrinia ciliata | Weed | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Redtop | Agrostis gigantea | Grass | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Romain Lettuce | Lacuta sativa | Shrub | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Rosemary | Rosamarinus sp. | Herb | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Russian Thistle; Prickly Saltwort | Salsola kali | Tree/Shrub | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Sage | Salvia sp. | Tree/Shrub/Herb | Seeds | Feed in Moderation |
| Sainfoin | Onobrychis vicifolia | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Salad Burnet | Sanguisorba minor | Weed | | Feed Sparingly |
| Saltbush | Atriplex sp | Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Sea Grape | Coccoloba uvifera | Tree/Shrub | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Senna, Desert | Cassia sp. | Tree/Shrub | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Sesame Grass | Tripsacum dactyloides | Grass | | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Shepherd's Purse | Capsella bursa, pastorsis | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Sisal | Agave sisalana | Succulent | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Slender Grama Grass | Bouteloua repens | Grass | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Sow Thistle | Sonchus oleraceus, arvensis | Weed | | Safe to Feed |
| Spider Plant | Chlorophytum comosum | Plant | Leaves | Feed in Moderation |
| Spiderwort | Tradescantia virginiana; T. andersoniana | Succulent | | Feed in Moderation |
| Sporobolus | Sporobolus helvolus | Tree/Shrub | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Spurges | Euphorbia sp. | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| St. Johns Wort | Hypericum sp. | Weed | | Do Not Feed |
| Staghorn Fern | Platycerium bifurcatum | Fern | | Do Not Feed |
| Stonecrops | Sedum sp. | Succulent | | Feed in Moderation |
| Strawberry Fruit | Fragaria sp. | Plant | Fruit | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |
| Swedish Ivy | Plectranthus australis | Plant, Vine | | Do Not Feed |
| Sweet Vernal Grass | Anthoxanthum odoratum | Grass | Entire plant | Feed in Moderation |
| Tea Rose | Rosa odorata | Plant | Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| Tea Tree | Leptospermum scoparium | Tree/Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Timothy Hay, Grass | Phleum pratense | Grass | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Tree Houseleek | Aeonium sp. | Succulent | | Feed Sparingly |
| Tumble Thistle | Gundelia tournefortii | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Turnip Greens | Brassica rapa subsp. Rapa | Shrub | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Vetch, Bush, Common, Tufted | Vicia sativa | Weed | Leaves | Feed Sparingly |
| Wandering Jew | Tradescantia albiflora | Succulent/Vine | Leaves, Flowers | Feed in Moderation |
| White Dead nettle | Lamium album | Plant | Leaves | Safe to Feed |
| Willow | Family Salicaceae | Tree/Shrub | | Do Not Feed |
| Desert Willow | Chiopsis linearis | Tree/Shrub | Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Wintercress | Barbarea vulgaris | Weed | Leaves, Flowers | Feed Sparingly |
| Wisteria | Wisteria sp. | Plant | | Do Not Feed |
| Yucca | Yucca sp. | Succulent | | Do Not Feed |
| Zinnia | Zinnia sp. | Plant | Leaves, Flowers | Safe to Feed |
| Zucchini | Cucurbita pepo | shrub | Fruit | Feed Sparingly/Do Not Feed |